
Politics in GoldenTowns, including government system, state budgets, taxes and so on.

As if it's not complicated enough managing your town, GoldenTowns also has politics!

If you navigate under the Politics tab in the game, you will be able to see which country your town is under.

Following that, the Legislation sub-tab shows laws that have been proposed by the government. GoldenTowns has made this game such that any town within a country with a happiness rating of over 90% will be included in the government [EDIT: As of 11th October 2013, any town with a level 10 or more are included into the government and are able to propose new laws.]. Governors can set taxes, offer bonuses or even trigger a war with another nation!

Under the Finance sub-tab, you will be able to see the country's raw material budget and recent transactions. Though the total amount of gold may not be visible from the Finance sub-tab, the country's gold budget is visible from the Gold tab.

As of now, the politics section does not seem to be working at the moment in GoldenTowns.
[EDIT: As of 11th October 2013, the politics section is working in GoldenTowns.]

I will try to update this page with more details once I have more information on it. So stay tuned for more updates to come.

*The information that I have provided may be incorrect due to the game just being released. Therefore, if any of you do see any incorrect information posted here, please do feel free to let me know. Thank you.

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