Tuesday 24 September 2013

Speaking of houses for the dead. . .

If you've read my post about how dead citizens would impede the process of recruiting new unskilled workers, here's an additional information that you wouldn't want to miss out on!

Workers who are currently employed in a production building, be it raw materials production or specialised workers production (I have yet to confirm for specialised workers production), will face production loss when your worker dies during the process of a production order!

EDIT: I am assuming that this will happen as well for workers who are used to build, upgrade or renovate buildings! Conclusion, always check your worker(s) life spans before using them to do anything!


  1. ..regarding building upgrading, do you reckon we can have problems if one of the workers used to reduce construction time dies?
    ty4your time :)

    1. Well pointed out, but I'm afraid I do not have the answer with me as of now. I will post an answer once I have my findings.

      Your very welcome! (^.^)
