Friday, 27 September 2013

Shocking discovery of plagiarism!

What an utter shocking discovery I have made today, a user totally copy pasting my content on the articles section of GoldenTowns. . .

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Beginner tips #5. . .

For those of you who don't know what happens when you totally run out of energy, here's a short post showing what to expect. . .

Idle workers pool. . .

In GoldenTowns, you always need to have a few idle workers on hand for building, upgrading, renovating, and demolishing buildings. Why? For the very simple reason that it requires extra idle unskilled worker in order to execute a build, upgrade, renovate, or demolish order!

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Speaking of houses for the dead. . .

If you've read my post about how dead citizens would impede the process of recruiting new unskilled workers, here's an additional information that you wouldn't want to miss out on!

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Warehouse fact + tip. . .

For those of you who made the mistake of upgrading your warehouses early, just leave it be. I myself made a far worse mistake by building another warehouse right off the tutorial. Why?