Sunday 10 November 2013

Acquiring worker from "Game Frund" caution. . .

I've seen quite a few people posting in the forums about being scammed when they've purchased workers whose life span was supposedly 3 years. . .

I do admit it's pretty much a scam alright! There're no cautions or extra explanations when buying workers using gold from the "Game Frund". Seriously, I think they meant "Game Fund"?

After you've bought those supposedly 3 years life span workers from the Game Frund, their life span would be adjusted according to your town's happiness level which determines how long each worker would live. It is downright appalling to purchase a worker which you thought would live for 3 years arrive at your town to only live for a few days (depending on your town's happiness level) when they finally arrive at your town.

For those of you who've been scammed by this, I feel sorry for you guys and I do apologise for not posting this earlier. . .

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