I will be touching on roads in this post, specifically writing about my observations in game. Some of you whom may have already noticed this might find this post obsolete. Straight roads, curved roads and intersection roads all have different so called "influence" over lands surrounding them. An example of what I mean by "influence" is how you can remove vegetations by having a road built next to it. GoldenTowns has scripted the different types of roads in this manner.
Straight roads have influence over land directly next to it. So you can imagine a straight road's influence as being similar to a red cross sign. Whereby any plot of land directly next to it, left, right, front or back can be "interacted" with due to the influence. What I mean by "interacted" is if you have your mouse cursor hover over any of the land that can be "interacted", you would notice a green border around that particular piece of land. The green border implies that you can "interact" with that piece of land, be it building something on it, removing the vegetation on it, and so forth as opposed to a red border which implies that you may not interact with that plot of land.
↓ Are the screenshot of the two different borders.
Curved roads have a similar influence over the surrounding land just like a straight road. But due to me having no experience with curved roads as of now (October 1st, 2013), I am leaving this portion for future updates when I do have concrete evidence on it.
Intersection roads however, have influence over the surrounding land just like a straight road with an additional diagonal influence. So you can treat it as being a Queen in a chess piece!
Why do I classify this as advanced tips? Because these influence areas are actually the deciding factor for laying down your roads. And knowing which types of roads to build would ensure that you can maximize your influence area, hence more efficient road placements in the already set land space in game.
*Images are Copyright of GoldenTowns.
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