Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Idle workers pool. . .

In GoldenTowns, you always need to have a few idle workers on hand for building, upgrading, renovating, and demolishing buildings. Why? For the very simple reason that it requires extra idle unskilled worker in order to execute a build, upgrade, renovate, or demolish order!

For example, lets say you wanted to build a new building, you would need two idle unskilled workers to successfully execute the order! One unskilled worker would be set aside as an employed individual after the upgrade and one would be used for the upgrade process itself!

The example above is applicable to all the four different orders. Though if you ask me, I find this rather stupid, let me explain why.

Imagine if you wanted to demolish a building which already has an employed worker in it, wouldn't it be more efficient to use that currently employed worker to execute the demolish order instead of requiring an additional idle unskilled worker to execute that demolish order?(=_=)"

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